Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stability, family and hope after all...

If my life hasn't been crazy enough, dare I say, it has only gotten crazier in the last two weeks. I have so many things to write about that my mind could quite possibly explode. I found a little quiet time so here goes....

I prayed and hunted and asked around and finally found a job! I probably would have taken any minimum wage paying job but I was very fortunate and got on at Food Lion working for my old manager and getting paid more than I thought was possible for working at a grocery store. The only potential problem is that it's 30 minutes from my grandma's house. I'm still in training so I'm not getting many hours due to lack of hours available. It's a struggle for right now. Hopefully those 40 hours I keep dreaming of will start flowing in eventually. Once Joe and I start working full time, it will only take two months to get caught up on our debts. We have a master plan that I have thought out a least a couple hundred times and written down a couple hundred more. I make lists like a maniac. If I didn't my head would explode. I have a never ending to do list, to buy list, to pay list, etc. It helps me gather my thoughts and plan out my future. "Hi my name is Tiffany and I'm addicted to making lists." :)

My next problem. I had a traffic ticket that I thought would be easily taken care of. It turns out that wasn't the case. It became complicated and aggravating. I stressed about it for weeks but I've found a solution. I've gotten some legal advice and I found out I can get out of it for a small price and a little less headache than what it could have been before. That takes a huge, impending weight off of my shoulders and as soon as I take care of it, I know I'll be able to focus on my original journey of becoming an adult. A minor setback, but it's nothing I can't handle with a little faith and praying. :)

Another important part of my life, was at first, the worst possible thing at the worst possible time; but now I see it as a great blessing God has sent upon me. As many people know, my grandmother has always been my "security blanket". Something I have had since I was born that I cannot let go of. She has always been there for me through thick and thin. Although she will lecture me and give me a "tongue lashing" everyday if she feels she needs to, she has never let me go without. On the very same day that I got the news of that pesky traffic ticket that loomed around the corner to ruin my life, my grandmother told me she hadn't been feeling great lately and would like to move to Salisbury, NC to live with her sons. She wanted to spend a little time with them because she "didn't know how much time she had left in this world". On top of that scaring the life out of me thinking of my grandmother not being around anymore, it also left me homeless. She wants to move within a month! That leaves me 3o days to get a home of my own, hold down a steady job and be able to afford the moving process, furniture, food, etc. This definitely threw a dangerous curve ball in my master plan. That day, I started to grow an unnecessary hatred for my grandmother. I hated her for wanting to leave me, for wanting to spend what she thought was her last bit of life, 4 hours away from me, for leaving me with no home and no hope and nothing to fall back on. In reality, after I got over that terrible day and all of its mishaps, I realized, this is what I've needed to hear for years now. I have leaned on my parents and grandma for far too long. I do hope she changes her mind and sticks around the area for as long as possible, but I will be moving out as soon as I can and getting my life together a little more quickly than I thought I would be. I secretly needed this motivation. I think God knew that. Funny how He disguises those blessings; they almost had to put me away that day. If I wouldn't have hit my knees and prayed when I did, I may be wearing a straight jacket in a padded room as we speak. He always saves me in the knick of time :)

So where does this leave me? It leaves me handling my responsibilities in a way that I never thought was possible. It's so difficult to grow up, but to have to do it so quickly, that's even more difficult. But do-able. I'm am walking, talking proof of that. I have asked to pick up more hours at work, I have written out all of my bills and exactly how much I will need to take care of them and how long it will take. And I have written out how much I'm going to be able to afford for rent and all other essentials. And let me tell you something! It's completely do-able! I have started the search for a rent to own home. I have dogs and I'm fed up with apartments. I need a cute home, it doesn't have to be huge, with a fenced in back yard and a porch. That's all I'm asking for right now. I'm a simple southern girl, what do you expect? :)
All of this may sound crazy to you, but it's my life. To me, it's a beautiful life. Despite all of the heartache and downfalls that may come along, I always find my way. Or rather, the Lord always shows me the way. I'd really like to find a church that works for me. Something contemporary with modern music and a message for young people. If God has the time to constantly help me the way He does, surely I can at least dedicate one hour of one day to Him.

On a lighter, more WONDERFUL note... my dad, stepmom and little brothers are back in my life. We all had a falling out and my life felt void of love and lifeless all together. I need those kids and the love from my parents to be happy. I have four little brothers: Bubba, 12 - Cameron, 9 - Travis, 5 - and Logan, 3. Kids are so innocent and simple - its a nice refresher to pretend you're young again and to get lost in the small problems that a child has. Much better than dealing with adult problems. Yuck. My little brothers have a way of making me feel like i'm soaring. Hugs, kisses, giggles, snacks, movies, bowling... anything I do that involves them makes me feel whole again. My biological clock is ticking to have one of my own but don't worry! I am well aware of the fact that I am in no way, shape or form ready for a baby of my own. I have always been the motherly type, but I like the fact that I can send them back when I need a break! I understand fully that being a mother, I will have no breaks. That is something that I will gladly take on when I'm ready. I could get used to hearing those little precious lips saying "mommy" :) In a few (or more) years I know I'll make a wonderful mother. Just like my mom was for me.

This post is all over the place, from heartache to a heart full of love. Things always have a way of working themselves out. I am dreaming of stability for myself. My own house, my bills caught up, my life in order. Less stress. How lovely does that sound? It seems a little unattainable right now but I know I'll get there. I enjoy my job very much and that's one thing I hardly ever can say about myself. Of course I need to go back to school to ever have a nice life- and I will do just that. I've been looking into journalism ;) We'll discuss that a little more when I actually know what I'd like to do! I have my family back, which makes me happier than any material thing in the whole entire world. I always have said, the love of a family is a love that goes untouched.

So there is hope after all... I have mentioned this movie in previous posts - Hope Floats. The last line of the entire film Sandra Bullock says, "You just gotta give hope a chance to float on up. And it will too." (I'm a huge fan of when the movie title is actually referenced to in the movie!) So if you give hope the chance, it will float up. That's what I've done and what I will continue to do! Don't give up Tiffany, keep pushing! :)

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